Scoping & EIAs
When Environmental Authorization is required for a proposal, one of two legislated types of environmental assessments may be followed, i.e., a basic assessment (BA) or a Scoping & Environmental Impact Reporting (EIR). The nature and scale of the proposal determines which type of assessment is to be undertaken. A Scoping and EIR process will be required when listed activities of Listing Notice 2 (GNR 325) are applicable to the development.
The Scoping and EIA process will investigate the proposal against various parameters, such as ecosystem functioning, climate change, air quality, marine ecology biodiversity, vegetation, traffic, and heritage resources etc. to ensure that the proposal follows the idea of sustainable development and that any potential negative environmental impacts are mitigated against. One of the outcomes of the Scoping and EIR process is an Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) that manages the pre-operation/pre-construction, operational and rehabilitation phases of the development to practically manage negative environmental impacts.
Please contact us if your development activity triggers listed activities from Listing Notice 2 (GNR 325) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998), Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 (as amended in 2017). Click here for Listing Notice 2.